How Long Does a Peace Lily Plant Live in Water?

Among houseplants, peace lilies are forgiving, hardy and easy to grow plant.

With white flowers and dark foliage, peace lily plant can live around 3 to 5 years. Only if you care to give them favourable conditions to grow.

This is a common house plant and a member of the Araceae family. It is commonly found in the rainforests of Colombia.

Peace lily was first introduced in the year 1870 in Europe. This is a common house plant that is easy to grow and maintain. The tropical evergreen plant can thrive well in forest floors which means it can grow well in constant moisture conditions.

Plants grown in the dense forest will receive moderate sunlight so that people can expect the same in peace lily plants.

Anyone can place the plant in mild, indirect sunlight to make the plant achieve proper growth.

So by following this, the plant will grow well and produce white-colored flowers with dark green leaves. But most people doubt how long a peace lily plant lives?

As mentioned above, a healthy peace lily plant can live around three to five years, but the life span may vary according to the maintenance and surroundings.

Depending upon various factors, the lifespan may change.  But growing a peace lily plant is simple as it requires only humidity to thrive well; other than that, there is no need for special care.

Peace lilies are well known for purifying air, so people who grow this plant can have pleasant surroundings in their homes.

To know more about the peace lily plant and its growth cycle, people can continue reading this article till the end.

How Long Does Peace Lily Live?

growing peace lily in water

As mentioned earlier, peace lily plants can thrive well in moist places and live for five years. But several factors have to be considered for making your plant grow well in all places.

So by doing all the necessary procedures, people can increase the lifespan of a peace lily plant but predicting the lifespan is a waste of time as each plant comes from various places and the mother plant of them may differ.

If the origin plant is healthy enough and grows well in all the places, people can easily tell that the plant from the same family will grow well and live for a long time. But if the original plant is weak, then people cannot expect the same in all cases.

Growing a Peace lily plant is simple, but several factors have to be considered for making the plant live long.

Even following a proper water cycle may increase the lifespan, and the sunlight is one of the important factors for the growth of every plant, and it decides the lifespan of a peace lily plant.

Also Read: Can a Peace Lily Grow in Water?

How Long Can a Peace Lily Live in Water?

growing peace lily in water

People who prefer to grow their plants in bottles might get this doubt. Nature lovers prefer to grow this plant in bottles with a beta fish to make the place look pleasant.

If you’re planning to grow a peace lily plant, keeping it in a pot can help it survive for up to a year. But to keep the plant healthy and looking fresh, it’s a good idea to move it to a new spot and give it some revitalization. This can help extend the lifespan of the plant. Just remember to water it with distilled water to keep it healthy.

After filling distilled water, you can submerge the peace lily plant and place the pot in direct sunlight.

By using distilled water, the plant can retain its moisture and stay healthy, which can help prolong its life span.

You can place the plant in water for a year, and after that, if you find any signs of leaves turning yellow, you should move your plant to a pot that contains organic soil.

As peace lilies can grow well in organic soil, the yellow leaves will regain energy soon, which in turn makes the leaves green in a short time.

(Read on this: Can I Use Cactus Soil for Peace Lily?)

Water Cycle and Lighting Conditions of a Peace Lily Plant

Watering a peace lily plant is simple. People can water them when the soil becomes dry, but growers should pay attention to the moisture content of the soil.

If the soil is dry, they can prefer watering their peace lily, and if they are moist, then people can wait for the soil to dry. But most people would prefer to water the plant if the soil is a bit moist or people may also count on days so when the cycle comes they use to water the peace lily.

Letting your plant bone dry will make the leaves fall, and it may also make the root rot and affect the plant’s growth, so make sure to water the plant before it becomes bone dry. The ideal soil condition for peace lily is moist, so people should never forget that and water the plant accordingly.

Placing your peace lily plant in excessive sunlight will result in dryness quickly as the origin of this plant is the dense forest; they cannot withstand extreme hotness, but at the same time, they cannot withstand extreme chillness as well.

So make sure that your plant is placed in moderate temperatures. Placing the plant in direct sunlight will make the leaves fall because of extreme dryness.

Ideal temperature to successfully grow peace lilies ranges between 68F-85F.

Temperature below 60F must be avoided, as cooler weather can damage peace lily plant.

You should relocate peace lily indoors during winter, to save it from dropping temperature.

If the plant is placed in extreme chillness, then the chillness will freeze the growth of the plant and make the root paralyze, so in this situation, the plant will not absorb water which eventually results in the death of the plant.

Is Peace Lily Plants Pet Friendly?

No, absolutely not, your peace lily plants are poisonous for intake, and if you prefer to grow a peace lily for purifying air, you can place them in places where your pets cannot reach.

People can also prefer hanging the peace lily plant to grow the plant in indoor conditions. But make sure to maintain the plant in moist conditions and place the plant in pots that have proper drainage holes.

Because dumping your plant with too much water is also dangerous as the water will stay in the pot for a long time, which eventually results in root rot.

But if your plant is placed in the right place and if they are watered with perfect quantity and if they are in the situation of receiving proper sunlight, the grower will not have any problem maintaining the plant in a good condition.

As they can survive well in the condition mentioned above, people can notice the plant during the water cycle.

But monitoring the plant on a regular basis is always advisable because people can look for weakening signs only when the plant is monitored regularly.

The texture size and the growth of the flower must be ensured in regular intervals, and if it does not have proper growth, then people can find that the plant requires more attention.

Gardeners and indoor plant lovers can add some nutrients to their plant if the plant does not achieve proper growth. These nutrients will mix into the soil and make the roots strong in a short time.

So anyone can easily apply some nutrients in the form of sprays or some solvents available in the market.

Also Read: Can You Put a Peace Lily Outside?

Benefits of Growing Peace Lily Plant

Some people may think that maintaining the peace lily in good condition is a hectic task, but it is worth it.

It makes your home or office a healthier place for living as it purifies the air and gives the surroundings a pleasing smell.

Toxins in the air such as benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde can be removed by placing a peace lily plant in your living area.

Moreover, peace lily plants can be placed in all the places and rooms according to the preference. But it is not fit for intake, so people should keep them in separate places to avoid the interference of pet animals.

Can Bugs And Pests Kill Peace Lily Plants?

Yes, pests and bugs can easily destroy your peace lily as they may form deep into the roots and destroy all the plants completely without even showing any signs of damage.

And some other pests will eat all the plants and leaves and damage the complete system, so the leaves and even roots may die quickly without showing any sign.

If you find these signs in your peace lily then you should eradicate pests from your leaves. Numerous natural methods can help people in eradicating pest problems, and some of them are mentioned below.

  • Placing onion peels and orange peels will irritate the pests, and hence you can easily eradicate pests from peace lily.
  • Garlic peels can also help you control pests as they create an irritating smell and keep pests away from plants.
  • Use organic soil in your plant, which will create an antibody in your plant automatically.
  • Always prefer to keep your pot dry by allowing the extra water to flow through the drainage holes.

Can Peace Lily Live Without Water?

Peace lily plants must be placed in moderate moisture all the time to make them achieve proper growth.

Still, in some critical situations, if you forget to water your plant, then they can survive well with the moist soil for ten days, and even after that, this plant can survive for a maximum period of seven days.

After that, your plant may show some signs of weakness which leads to death in a week.

So once you water the peace lily, you can leave them for a maximum period of ten to 15 days. After that, people should water the plant to make them regain their energy.

(Read on this Does Peace Lily Plant Like Coffee Grounds?)

How to Care Peace Lily Plant?

To make the peace lily plant grow successfully, as mentioned you must ensure proper care towards it.

Though peace lily is drought tolerant, ignoring to water it for longer time can result in discoloured leaves and eventually kill the plant.

Similarly, there are many essential elements like sunlight, fertilizer and potting soil that need to be inspected regularly to avoid any gardening problems.

Below mentioned are few of them:


These plants like consistently moist soil, but avoid overwatering them. You can water your peace lily once a week, or when the top 2 inch of the potting soil is dry.

Experts recommend using distilled water, as tap water may contain chemical elements that can impact plant growth.

In winter, you can stop watering as peace lilies go dormant in winter.


Peace lily plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight, but can tolerate direct sunlight in the morning.

Too much sunlight can results in yellow peace lily leaves. For green foliage, you must provide 4 hours of indirect sunlight.


  • Ideal temperature to grow peace lily plant is 65F to 85F.
  • Peace lily plant loves warm humid environment.
  • Avoid temperature below 60F.
  • Plant location should be away from drafts and extreme heating products.

Sudden fluctuation in temperature negatively impacts peace lily growth.


Dry air isn’t good for houseplants.

You must ensure adequate amount of humidity in the air. You can use humidifier to ensure humid environment.

Else, mist peace lily plant leaves with water to avoid dry air.

Fertilizing Peace Lily

You don’t have to fertilize peace lily plant all year. These plants don’t require much fertilizer, as they are not heavy feeders.

However, ensure to add worm castings with potting soil while planting.

Use balanced liquid fertilizer during growing season to promote healthy growth of the plant.

(Read this: Are eggshells good for peace lily plants?)


Root bound can kill your plant.

Choose a container or pot that can provide enough space for peace lily roots to grow.

If you notice root bound, repot your peace lily plant to bigger container.


The peace lily is a kind of plant used for purifying the surrounding areas, so if you have an unpleasant surrounding or if you have surroundings that smell pungent all the time, then you can prefer growing a peace lily. But people who prefer to grow a plant must always remember to take extra care of the particular species.

Not only peace lily, all the plants must be grown with proper care. So by providing extra care, people can easily stretch the life of the plant.

Generally, people can have a routine for maintenance, watering, soil change, and all the other things that need to be followed regularly. I hope this article is informative! Thank you for reading this article.