Peace Lily Winter Care: How Can Peace Lily Survive Winter?

Peace lily has easy to grow nature, which makes it the most ideal starter houseplant or a perfect gift. Renowned for its green glossy leaves, ability to purify air and it can enhance any room with its fantastic pure white flowers.

This plant is perennial, means it grows year round. But, as winter approaches you must take proper care so that peace lily can survive winter.

Peace lily enters dormancy in winter, it doesn’t bloom and its growth is stunted due to low sunlight for few months.

Can peace lily survive winter?

Yes, it can, provided that you move potted peace lily indoors. This plant can’t with stand when temperature drops below 45F. You must reduce watering and stop fertilizing peace lily in winter.

However, gardeners in warmer climates like USDA 10-12 can leave peace lily plant in garden. But, you may or may not see plant growth. As ideal temperature to grow peace lily is 65F to 85F.

How Does Cold Weather Affect Peace Lily?

Ideal temperature to grow peace lily plant is between 68F to 85F. When temperature drops to 40F to 55F, then it may not kill the plant but it’s growth will be slowed. (Source)

Further drop in temperature below 40F will damage its foliage, stem, roots and eventually kill the plant.

Yellow, brown or black leaves and root rot are common signs that cold weather has damaged your flowering houseplant.

These signs appear after 3-4 days of cold exposure. If left unnoticed it plant tissue system will be damaged completely.

Signs that your peace lily is affected by winter

With changing climate, you must change your peace lily care. For instance, watering your peace lily in winter as you watered in summer, will eventually results in overwatering and root rot.

Along with your flowering houseplant, you must adapt to the new season.

  • Overwatering is one among the common gardening issues in winter. Leaves start to turn yellow and algae deposits can be seen at the base of the plant.
  • If left unnoticed, peace lily may experience underwatering issue. Wilting of leaves can be seen in both overwatering and underwatering peace lily plant.
  • Brown and yellow leaves. You must reduce watering frequency in winter, but this doesn’t mean to stop watering. Underwatered plant leaves turn yellow and then brown.
  • Due to low light and temperature, peace lily plant doesn’t grow as it does in normal days. So, fertilizing them is of no use. Don’t fertilize peace lily plant in winter results in damaged peace lily.
  • Peace lily isn’t prone to pests, but in winter moisture left can attract infestation. Mealybugs, aphids and scales are pests that need to look out for.

Peace Lily Resistant Cultivars

Peace lily has about 36 different species.

Though most varieties don’t survive cold weather below 45F, there are few resistant cultivars like ‘Annette’, ‘5598’, ‘Debbie’ and ‘0597-3’ that are less damaged by cold weather.

  • Moderately resistant peace lily cultivars are ‘Classic viscount’ and ‘Viscount’.
  • Intermediate resistant: Little angel, Connie and Petite.
  • Sensitive: Lynise, Vicki lynn and Starlight
  • Highly sensitive: UF474-4, UF576-14 and Mini.

Also Read: Does Peace Lily Like Coffee Grounds?

Peace Lily Winter Care: Do’s and Don’ts

Though peace lily does well in low light, in winter it doesn’t get enough light and ideal temperature. So, you must check few factors and ignore other.


  • Light: Relocate the plant to a spot where it gets sunlight for few hours in day time. You can also arrange artificial lights to support peace lily plant in winter.
  • Temperature: Shift your potted peace lily indoors before the temperature drops below 45F. Maintain room temperature at-least 55F. At this temperature though peace lily plant won’t grow, but it will survive.
  • Watering: Reduce watering frequency. Also, water your peace lily plant only when the growing soil is dry. If you’re using grow lights for indoor peace lily, then you might have to regulate watering accordingly.
  • Humidity: Peace lily plant needs moisture in air. Dry air will damage the plant. If needed use humidifier in your room.


  • Avoid temperature shock:  Peace lily plant can’t tolerate temperature extreme heat or extreme cold. Don’t place this plant beside air conditioner or heater.
  • Don’t leave peace lily outside: In USDA zones 10 to 12, winter isn’t too cold. But, if in case night temperature drops to 40F, it will kill your plant. Bring you peace lily plant indoors in winter.
  • Avoid overwatering and underwatering: Both aren’t good for plant’s growth. Allow the plant soil to dry between watering cycles.
  • Don’t fertilize: With low light and less water intake, peace lily plant doesn’t need fertilizer. Most peace lily plants goes dormant in winter.
  • Avoid repotting or pruning: If you repotted in winter, then surely it will fail to adapt to the change and eventually die.

How to Take Care of Peace Lily in Winter?

There are various stress factors that can make peace lily plant life-threatening in colder climates.

Few of them include temperature fluctuation, low light exposure due to short days and dry air.

#1 Regulate Watering Frequency

Due to dry air in winter, surface of the growing soil may seem dry. But, you must insert your index finger to check dryness before watering peace lily plant in winter.

Like most houseplants, peace lily goes dormant and has slow to no growth.

With stunted growth and low light exposure, peace lily plant might need less water. Allow the potted soil to dry between watering.

Note: Avoid using cold water, it results in shock. Instead, use room temperature water to moisturize this plant.

Check this: How Long Can Peace Lilies Go Without Water?

#2 Keep Temperature Checked

Ideal temperature for peace lily is 68F to 85F.

However, it can tolerate temperature drop up-to 45F-55F.

Below 40F is dangerous to plant.

You must pay attention towards temperature fluctuations. Move potted peace lily indoors, where the temperature is above 50F.

You can use radiators, fireplace or electronic devices to increase your room temperature to at-least 50F.

Avoid drafts and placing beside extreme heat.

#3 Regulate Humidity

Mist peace lily plant leaves with water or use humidifier to increase moisture levels in the air.

Houseplants need humidity level of 50 percent.

You can also group all houseplants at once place. As plant leaves release natural water in air, it would increase humidity.

Or move your peace lily to bath room. Else, fill a pot with water and drop pebbles in it. This traditional way will increase moisture in air.

#4 Expose to Sunlight, even for few hours

With short days in winter, one can’t expect 6 hours of indirect sunlight for peace lily plants.

However, if possible place your potted peace lily under indirect sunlight for few hours.

This will ensure plant to stay healthy and continue its slow growth.

Note: Gardeners recommend wiping peace lily plant leave with cloth. This is to ensure the plant leaves get adequate sunlight exposure.

If your region is getting enough sunlight, you might have to water the plant accordingly.

Alternatively, you can use artificial lights as mentioned above.

Should I put peace lily plant outside (day time) in winter?

Only if you’re sure the temperature outside isn’t below 45F.

If you’ve a room, that gets plenty of indirect bright sunlight. Then shift all your houseplants to that room in winter.

How to save peace lily plant that got affected by frost or cold?

Sudden drop in temperature will damage the peace lily plant. Though might not see significant signs of black leaves instantly, foliage discoloration starts after 3-4 days.

What to do?

Shift the plant immediately to a spot or room with temperature above 70F. It needs bright indirect light. Use grow lights.

Remove leaves that are discolored and water the plant.

Allow the plant to revive naturally.

Also Read: Can You Leave Calla Lilies in Pots Over-Winter?

Important Tips for Healthy Peace Lily Plant in Winter

  1. Don’t prune or repot your peace lily plant in winter.
  2. Wipe plant leaves to remove dust, so that it gets enough light when exposed to sunlight.
  3. Leaf drop is normal in winter, as your plant don’t get enough sunlight to produce its food.
  4. Stop fertilizing your peace lily plant in winter.
  5. Avoid extreme temperatures.
  6. Check for pests.
  7. Regulate humidity levels.
  8. Reduce watering.
  9. Provide sunlight, at-least for few hours. (Source)

Read on these article in peace lily:


Peace lily winter care is a bit different when compared to other seasons.

This flowering houseplant enter dormancy, it needs less water and no fertilizer.

Ensure it gets some sunlight by moving its location.

Temperature, humidity and watering are three important things that you as a gardener must regularly check to keep your peace lily plant healthy.

Temperature should be at-least above 45F, below 40F is dangerous.

Houseplants don’t like dry air. Raise humidity levels to 50 percent.

Water peace lily plant only when you find 1 inch of soil is dry.