How Often to Water Peace Lily Plant?

Peace lily plant is grown for it’s attractive white flowers and green foliage. Though this houseplant has easy to go nature, you must know how much and how often to water the plant to keep it helathy.

Plant location and climatic conditions in your region are to be considered while watering peace lily plant.

As a general thumb rule, you should water peace lily plant when the top 1-2 inches of the potting soil is dry. You can check the moisture by inserting your index finger.

Like most houseplants, peace lily is prone to overwatering. To avoid it, you must choose well-drained potting soil and water once in a week.

The soil must be left to dry out in order to water again the plant. Temperature and indirect sunlight play a vital role to check whether it’s time to water the peace lily or not.

Do not water peace lily with chilly water in winter, as your plant can die. Use normal water when watering the Peace lily.

A straight forward answer to this question, how often should I water my peace lily in winter is: Not regularly. May be once or twice in a month.

Among the easiest indoor plants to grow are peace lilies. It’s so satisfying to see when peace lilies bloom as their beautiful leaves give a pleasing splash of greenery to your house.

One of the simplest duties for a Peace Lily is watering with care. However, doing it in the right way can make your plant more lively.

Peace lilies don’t like to dry out as well as they also suffer if their soil remains wet for several days. To determine when to give water, test the soil with the help of your finger.

Watering Peace Lily Plant

Both overwatering and underwatering are typical problems in winter. Because they are delicate, peace lilies wilt if wet for a long time. The plant may wilt when the chilly air completely evaporates all of the moisture from it. 

Lack of sufficient sunlight in winter and overwatering can cause peace lily to completely wilt. Your peace lilies get overwatered and wilt if you don’t limit your watering of the plant.

How Often to Water Peace Lily?

If you want to know “how often”, then the answer will always be that there is no fixed watering routine to know how often you have to water your peace lilies. 

The pot’s ability to dry out can be affected by many factors, including:

  • Heat
  • How much sunlight your plant is taking
  • The air’s relative humidity
  • Your plant size
  • The number of minerals in the soil
  • How firmly the roots are anchored in the pot

These are the factors to be responsible for drying out the pot. You are just wasting your time online searching and predicting how often you should water your peace lily in winter. 

All you have to do is insert your finger into the soil about one inch deep, not too deep, to check if the soil is dried up or not. If you feel your soil is dry, then water it. Wait two more days before trying again if it still appears damp.

If you don’t want to put your finger in the soil or you don’t consider it the right way to check it, then use a soil moisture meter to check it.

This device will help you give the right information by reaching the roots and measuring the moisture of the soil. When the device shows a low moist scale, then water your Peace lily thoroughly.

Check this out: Can I Use Cactus Soil for Peace Lily?

Factors to Consider While Watering Peace Lily Plant

Soil Moisture

When it comes to keeping peace lily plants in good condition, the key is maintaining a consistent level of moisture in the soil without making it too wet.

It’s always a good idea to examine the top inch of soil by using your fingers prior to adding water. It is important to water your plant when you feel that the soil may be getting slightly parched.

Watering frequency

Once a week is usually how often you should water peace lilies although the frequency might differ based on factors like humidity and container size. Modify how frequently you provide water to the plant according to its necessities and your home’s setting.

Watering Quantity

The key is to provide ample amount of water each time when you are watering so that the plant will be properly hydrated. Additionally, pour enough water into the pot to allow it to drain from below. We can achieve complete hydration of the entire root ball by implementing this method.


It’s imperative for the growth of peace lilies that they are planted in soil with good drainage, so make sure your pot is equipped with drainage holes so any extra water can easily escape. It is important that you do not let the plant sit in stagnant water since this can cause root rot

Water Quality

Toxic components found in tap water such as chlorine and fluoride can negatively impact the growth of Peace lilies which require clean water. When feasible use filtered or distilled water. There is an alternative method of preparing your tap water where by simply leaving it overnight you allow time for most harmful chemicals present to evaporate


Peace lilies prosper best when placed in environments with high humidity Raising the humidity level in your home is possible by either placing a tray of water and pebbles beneath the plant or using an adjacent humidifier.

Signs of Overwatering Peace Lily Plant

You can detect overwatered Peace lilies by looking at their drooping leaves that can be yellowing or look pale. Moreover, leaf oedema may occur if you overwater your plant.

Now check out the primary causes of overwatering peace lily.

  • Although the soil is wet, the plant is fading.
  • Yellowing leaves that have not yet dried.
  • Black spots may appear on leaves.
  • Mouldy soil brought on by fungus.
  • When uprooted, the roots become mushy.

How to Fix Overwatered Plants?

If you care too much about your plant, sometimes you overwater them without knowing it. Potted plants can be a good example of this, as water can’t drain away from their roots and causing overwatering. However, overwatering can become a reason for your plant to die.

  1. The first step you have to make is to stop overwatering your plant. If you overwater your plant, rest aside and don’t water it for a day. If you don’t take immediate action, the problem will just keep getting worse and worse. Check the roots and the soil; if they are dry, then give your plant a drink!
  2. The next thing to do is to place your plant in a shaded area. Overwatering can trouble the plant to get the water to its upper limits. This can be a sign that the top of your plant is drying out if it is left in direct sunlight. All you have to do is to place it in the shadow or shaded place where it can receive indirect sunlight.
  3. Your overwatered plant needs air in the root to exclude excess water from it. Making necessary air spaces by gently rotating or tilting the pot might help shake up the soil. 
  4. Give it some time, and you’ll begin to see wonders within a week or more. Wait to fertilize until you notice regular further growth.

How to Avoid Overwatering Peace Lily?

Every living being needs water that included all plants too.

Overwatering can kill your peace lily, but underwatering can cause problems too. The plants show various signs to let you know whether they need water or not. Let’s see its signs now:

  • The first thing you need to do is fix your overwatering habit, or you can daily check your soil; if its needs water. You can also examine your plant, if it needs water by checking its leave, if they slightly wilted or not. If not, you can continue your daily routine.
  • Ensure that your plant pot has a good drainage hole in the middle from the bottom. Drainage holes help a lot in the situation of overwatering your plant.
    Even if you overwater them, the extra water would just come out easily from it. That will not impact your peace lily as its root rarely grows deep.
  • Do not water your peace lily at night as watering at night is more likely to result in disease and can damage your peace lily.

Signs of Underwatering

Your peace lily can show signs of being underwatered as its leaves turned yellow and get dry. Let’s check the signs of underwatered peace lily-

  • The leaves become crispy, yellowing in colour and dry.
  • Soil gets hard and dry.
  • Wilting plant and dry soil.
  • Browning of leaves from the tips of a peace lily.
  • Brittle or fragile roots when uprooted.

Also Read: Signs of Peace Lily Root Rot

How to Avoid underwatering peace lily?

You can avoid underwatering your peace lily by confirming if your plant is thirsty or not. You can take the help of a soil moisture meter or your finger to check if the soil is dry or not. 

Do water with a good drink. If your water is at the top, moisten the soil gradually while the surplus water gets drains out from the drainage hole. You can repeat to make sure your soil is moist.

If you do bottom watering, then place your plant pot in a tub with water 4 inches deep for up to 45 minutes. After that check, the soil is wet with the help of a finger. 

Also check if you have proper potting soil mix and ideal pot size for your peace lily. Potting mix and pot size can matter too.

Also Read: Can You Put a Peace Lily Outside in Summer?

How Often to Water Peace Lily Winter?

The winter can cause your peace lily to look frail. The lack of sufficient sunshine has an impact on the plants’ general metabolism and can stunt their growth for longer.

It’s vital to change your care routine in winter as it can’t be the same in summer or spring. You don’t have to take extra care only, check the soil and water accordingly to it.

Watering peace lilies too frequently in summer is appreciable but in winter is not good.

In winter, the soil takes much time, as usual, to dry out, and that is because plants don’t receive enough sunlight to dry out naturally.

As already mentioned above, the peace lily is a dormant plant and requires less care. The one thing you should be sensitive about is watering; check the soil first then water it.

Wipe the leaves with a slightly wet cloth while taking care of peace lilies. Keep the moisture and take extra care against pests.

Also Read: How Can Peace Lily Survive Winter?

Peace Lily Plant Care Tips

Peace lily has the ability to grow well in almost different environments and conditions. With just a little care, your plant can look more lively. Now, let’s check some peace lily plant care tips you should follow-

1. Humidity

High humidity is ideal for the growth of peace lilies. When its surroundings are humid, they do its best and look more thriving. Moreover, misting the leaves or using a moist try can do the trick.

2. Sunlight

Perfect lighting spot matters a lot. Peace lilies don’t need direct sunlight as this can harm them. When you give them direct sunlight, it gets dry and looks fragile. Place your plant in a shaded area where it gets lots of indirect sunlight. 

However, you can use artificial light too; to grow your plant. In winter, place your peace lily in a window where it can receive morning sunlight.

3. Fertilizing

Peace lilies don’t require heavy feeding as they need only a balanced feed, as per required. Use household fertilizers beginning in the late winters and feed it in every 6 weeks to get it ready for summer and spring growth.

Also Read: Best Fertilizer for Peace Lily Plant

4. Watering

Overwatering and underwatering both can cause problems. If your peace lily leaves tips are brown in colour, then this can be a sign of underwatering. If your plant becomes dry, it can survive for a little time. 

Also, it’s vital to water your peace lily too. It is recommended to use filtered water to protect it from chemicals that can ruin our plant. Moreover, keep the soil of peace lily slightly moist to get better results.

5. Temperature

You have to maintain the ideal temperature for your peace lily. Peace lilies require temperatures over 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees F), as they can’t do well in old climates. Keep the plant in a shaded area where it can get indirect sunlight. 

Some other care tips

Because of the long leaves of the peace lily, the dust catches it quickly. You just need to carefully clean the leaves with the help of a towel or cloth which is slightly damp. Follow these care tips and see good results coming in future.

Check this out: Does Peace Lily Like Coffee Grounds?


How often should you water peace lily in general?

Peace lily plant undergoes dormant, so they don’t need to be watered regularly. One who doesn’t have a green thumb can insert his/her index finger into the growing soil and check for moisture.

If the soil is dry, then water. Depending on climatic conditions, watering peace lily once a month in winter will be enough.

Peace lilies are houseplants that can purify your air. But in order to achieve this, you have to take care of it in the winter season as it goes dormant and its growth stops too. 

In winter, peace lilies require different care as compared to summer or spring. People do mistakes as they followed the same routine in winter too. Avoid it so that your plant can live more and look more lively in winter.

Don’t follow the online watering schedule, as it can cause overwatering. Just check your plant soil and do as accordingly to it.

Provide the peace lily sunlight in winter more and more if possible and maintain the right temperature for it. If you follow these things your peace lily will definitely look lively all winter.