Peace lily plant is renowned for it’s low-maintenance and vibrant foliage. This indoor plant can grow even in low-lightening conditions. However, if you ensure to give them adequate amount of sunlight these plants will thive.
Instead of growing them in potting soil, you can actually grow peace lily plants in water.
Are you wondering why water when you can grow them in soil?
There are few gardeners who would like see roots growing through a translucent vase. It adds aesthetic appeal to your living space.
Isn’t it pretty exciting to have a glass jar with growing peace lilies on your work desk?
Apart from this, growing peace lilies in water is quite easy.
Not just this, you don’t have to worry about overwatering or underwatering your houseplant.
These are two common issues faced by many indoor gardeners. With hydroponic growing you don’t have to worry.
A short answer would be:
Yes, you can grow peace lily plant in water. But, you must change the water every week and add expert recommended liquid fertilizers to enhance plant’s growth.
Growing peace lilies in your own garden is the most forward looking house garden practice that each plant lover looks for.
Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds and can often invite disappointment because of the needs of growing peace lilies.
While most people are comfortable growing peace lilies in soil, many of them look for easier and healthier alternatives.
If you are one of those who are looking to grow a peace lily in water, let us tell you that a peace lily plant can not only grow, but also thrive in water alone. In fact, peace lilies are often available in vases without any soil support.
But it doesn’t end here! In order to be able to grow peace lilies in water efficiently, one needs to undertake certain measures that ensure timely and adequate plant growth.
Experts also say that keeping your peace lily plant constantly wet in water can cause more harm than any good to your plant, involving conditions like root rot.
So, how to find the ideal watering conditions for your plant? Don’t worry, we have got you covered! Scroll through to get answers to your questions!
Can a Peace Lily Grow in Water?
Will peace lily plant grow in water?
Don’t let this thought come in your mind.
As stated earlier, peace lilies can very well grow and survive in water for a long time.
Botanically known as the Spathiphyllum plant, peace lilies are fans of an environment that is surrounded by water.
This is also the reason why a specific variety of peace lilies can be seen in aquariums.
However, one thing to remember is that not all peace lilies can be grown in water.
Most of them grow in soil and love to go completely dry between their periods of watering.
Only those lilies go in water that have adapted to these conditions for quite some time.
This is important to keep in mind the next time to go and get a peace lily for yourself.
If you are looking to grow peace lilies in water, select one that is already growing in water.
This is because their roots would be better adapted to the water conditions.
If you have been trying to grow peace lilies in just water, look no further! We have got the solution for you. Read on to know how peace can be grown in water and how long do they survive.
Must Read: Can You Put a Peace Lily Outside?
How to Grow Peace Lilies in Water?
You’ll need a glass jar with wider-neck, as thin-necked base can damage root system while changing water.
Avoid using damaged peace lily plant. Make sure to remove the damaged part of the plant.
Important: If you’re choosing peace lily plant that has been growing in soil, then remove the soil particles completely. Else, remained soil particles on roots can rot them.
- Merge the roots in distilled water and not the stems.
- Change the water every two weeks.
- Direct sunlight can damage peace lily plant leaves and start algae growth.
- Feed your peace lily plant growing in water.
Here is a step by step procedure listed for you to grow your new peace lilies in water.
Step 1:
Take a clean glass container. Wash it with tap water and keep it to dry for sometime.
Step 2:
Take the tepid distilled water and fill your glass more than half. Make sure to dry out the tap water as it has chemicals and hard water minerals like chlorine and fluoride which is harmful for plant growth.
Step 3:
Take a plastic stopper and cut a hole at the centre of it. This will stay helpful in holding the base of your plant at the mouth of your container.
Step 4:
Carefully remove your peace lily from the container in which you purchased it. Next, take a pair of golden shears and examine your plant very carefully for any signs of root rot. If you find any, remove those roots with the shears.
Step 5:
Now, gently and very carefully, insert the plant in the container through the hole in the plastic stopper. Keep the roots completely immersed in water.
Step 6:
Once your plant has settled in the glass container, pour a few drops of liquid fertilizer into the container and repeat this process twice every week.
Step 7:
Set a schedule to fertilize your peace lily and to change the water once every two weeks subsequently. This is the healthiest habit that you can maintain while growing a peace lily.
Repeatedly check for the roots of the plant to be completely submerged under water. Once they dry out, they will decay.
Step 8:
Keep the glass container having peace lilies out of the direct reach of sunlight. Even if you keep them in conditions of little to no sunlight, they’ll be fine. However, direct exposure to sunlight will trigger signs of damage in them.
Also Read: What Causes Peace Lily Root Rot?
How Long Can a Peace Lily Live in Water?
The answer to how long can a peace lily live water depends on how well you take care of it.
If you pay careful attention towards changing the water repeatedly after every one or two weeks, fertilizing it twice every week, and keeping it from drying out to prevent conditions of root rot, then it can stay in water for as long as you want!
Also Read: How long can peace lily plant go without water?
Additional tips to grow peace lily
Unfortunately, it does not end with watering peace lilies the right way! There are other things that one needs to keep in mind if they want to have a good peace lily yield. Your plants do not grow well if you focus on just one aspect of its growth. Rather, it should be a wholesome process.
To know how to take care of your peace lily needs, read below:
Light (Direct sunlight can damage the plant)
If you have been growing lilies of peace in your yard, you know that light is not a prerequisite for peaceful lily plants.
They can survive (or at least live with the desire to survive) even living in a shady or dark place. That being said, living in low light is a condition that only works when they live in their natural environment.
Check this: Angel wing begonia light requirements
If you are planning to plant a peace lily bud in the house, or in your yard, your plant needs a sufficient amount of sunlight.
Sunlight should be filtered or stored indirectly as an important condition, as direct sunlight damages the plant, making it weaker.
While some of them may not be able to withstand direct sunlight, others prefer to avoid them. If you are thinking about how to know that your plant has received a lot of sunlight, and does not need more, there is an easy way to do that.
If some or all of the leaves of your peace lily plant have begun to take unusual curls at the edges and turn yellow or brown, it indicates that there is enough direct and indirect sunlight available to your plant. On the other hand, burnt or burnt leaves point to the fact that your plant needs filtered sunlight and not direct sunlight.
Must Read: Why is My Peace Lily Turning Yellow?
Water – don’t use tap-water
You need water that is free from minerals. Tap-water can’t be good for your houseplants.
Use distilled or rain water, as they are free from minerals.
These plants are found in tropical and subtropical forests. As a result, these plants have a natural tendency to seek water and moisture.
In the long run, watering them often becomes necessary for them to thrive.
In addition, irrigation needs change according to the different seasons and bring different needs.
On the one hand, summer requires constant watering, and on the other hand, winters require lilies to get a relatively small amount of water, but they do not expect the soil to dry out.
Therefore, it is recommended to keep the soil moist throughout the winter.
Finally, water quality is also a major problem when it comes to watering lilies of peace.
Cold chlorinated water (often found in swimming pools or in the marketplace) is not tolerated by plants.
Chlorine often interferes with the natural structure of plants, thus damaging them in ways we do not fully understand. In this case, they want an urgent replacement with tap water, or filtered water.
Soil – remove soil particles from root before shifting to glass vase
If you’re growing in water, then you don’t have to worry about soil.
The potting mixture or soil needed for peace lilies is one of the most important components of successful plant growth. They provide essential nutrients for the plant and keep it healthy for a long time.
The health and growth of peaceful lily plants are enhanced when they are propagated by organic soil and rich in nutrients.
In addition, one should also pay attention to the fact that the pot mixture is not dry or watery for a long time. One has to make an effort to mimic the composition of the local soil, the rain forests.
Fertilizer – without fertilizer your peace lily won’t thrive
Much has been said about the proper fertilization of lilies of peace, but here is a quick repetition.
There are no specific fertilizer conditions or factors to be considered in the event of a peaceful flowering period, except for the fact that the NPK ratio should be evenly balanced.
Fertilization of peaceful lilies in silence compels crop growth, which can be recommended for healthy crop yields.
For those who skipped above lines: Yes, you can grow peace lily plant in water. But, ensure to take care of your houseplant.
Use distilled water, feed the plant with balanced fertilizers and keep away from direct sunlight.
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Talk about easy to care plants and the first name that pops into the heads of plant lovers is peace lilies! This is because peace lilies are in fact a low maintenance plant that enhances the look of your garden in only one go.
Apart from this, they can be grown in water or soil as per your convenience, and demand just a little amount of your time in return!
Follow the tips mentioned earlier and enjoy a happy gardening experience with your peace lilies! Trust us, if you follow the tips with utmost accuracy, your peace lilies would never go bad!
Did you ever grow peace lilies in water? Share your experience with me.
Khaja Moinuddin, a computer science graduate, finds joy in gardening and homesteading. Join him on this blog as he shares his experiences in homesteading, gardening, and composting