How Often to Water Angel Wing Begonia – It Depends

This ornamental plant got its name because of its wide foliage. Angel wing begonia belongs to Begonia family of flowering plants.

It is a hybrid cane begonia that is known for its aesthetic appeal.

These houseplants are native to sub tropical and tropical climatic regions. Gardening experts say that angel wing begonia is susceptible to overwatering.

Before watering angel wing begonia, you must check the soil with your index finger or wooden toothpick. In case you find it moist, don’t water. Instead, wait for the growing medium (soil) to turn dry.

How much do angel wing begonias need depends on various factors like climatic conditions, growing soil, temperature, humidity and sun exposure.

To gauge the water requirement of a plant, it is essential to know its growing conditions.

Angel Wing Begonia – Know Your Plant

It is commonly known as metallic leaf begonia, due to its glossy green foliage. This begonia plant can grow up-to 12 inches with medium growth rate and bloom moderately.

Native to Mexico and Central America, you can grow this low-maintenance houseplant indoors.

But, make sure that you supply essential needs for the plant. What are they?

Soil, light and water.

  • Well-drained soil is preferred to grow begonias. This plant can tolerate soil pH ranging from neutral to acidic.
  • Light is essential for plants, as they produce food through photosynthesis with light. Angel wing begonia need 4-6 hours of bright indirect sunlight.
  • Without well-drained soil you may end-up overwatering this begonia and the roots starts rotting. As mentioned above, this ornamental plant is native to sub-tropical and tropical regions, so you don’t have to water frequently.
  • Water the begonia plant only when you see the soil is dry, though not bone dry. (Source)

How Often to Water Angel Wing Begonia?

Though gardening experts say it is a low maintenance houseplant, there are few gardeners who think its high maintainable plant. Especially, when it comes to its water needs.

No worries; if you pay attention to few important factors you can easily grow and maintain this begonia.

This flowering plant can survive in partial and deep shade. Its attractive foliage will add-up the beauty to compensate their moderate flowers.

Watering frequency depends or varies from region to region. Based on the climatic and soil conditions you must regulate watering schedule.

If you’re looking for a rule of thumb, then water angel wing begonia plant after 2-4 days. While watering the plant ensure that the water is drained through the hole.

Or simple way is to insert your index finger in the soil till it reaches your first knuckle. If you feel the soil moist and sticky, then no need to water.

Water generously, only if you find the soil dry.

If you’re growing angel wing begonia in container, then you must watch out regularly. As container soil dries out faster when compared to those in the ground.

As the temperature changes in your region, you must increase or decrease the watering frequency.

How often to water angel wing begonia in summer?

In summer, obviously the soil dries out quickly. So, you should be waiting for completion of 4 days to water. Check the soil for moisture and water if it’s dry.

How often to water angel wing begonia in winter?

In winter, you might have to decrease the watering, because the soil holds moisture for longer time.

If your region has too dry air, then you might have to mist the begonia leaves with water. This is because loss of moisture in air may negatively impact this plant growth.

Also Read: Angel Wing Begonia Leaves Falling Off: Why?

How to water angel wing begonia plant?

Though many prefer watering from top, there are few gardeners who recommend bottom watering the houseplants. This way you don’t have to worry about overwatering or underwatering your begonia.

All you’ve to do is to shift begonia plant container to a larger bowl half-filled with water.

You don’t have to immerse the plant completely. Just ensure the drainage holes below the container are dipped in water.

Roots of your begonia plant will suck up the water when needed. (Source)

Also Read: How Often to Water Parlor Palm?

Angel Wing Begonia Watering

Below listed are factors that impacts how you water angel wing begonia plant.


This begonia plant thrives well in 60F to 75F.

When the temperature drops below 50F, then this plant may find difficult to tolerate.

As the temperature rises, the plant may require more water, because the soil dries faster.

In low temperatures, you might have to shift the angel wing begonia indoors to save it from frost and cold.

In winter, it will be find if you water once in a week.

But, this isn’t same in summer.

If you fail to regulate the watering schedule, then you might end up overwatering or underwatering the begonia.


High levels of humidity may reduce the watering frequency.

Your begonia plant will suffocate in low humidity levels. You can use humidifier to increase the humidity levels.

You might also have to mist the angel wing begonia foliage with water. But, use only distilled water. Tap water may contain alkaline.

When the humidity in your living space is reduced, the plant may need to be watered daily.


Potting mixture that you use to grow angel wing begonia must include garden soil, perlite, vermiculite and peat moss. This will ensure that the growing medium holds the moisture for longer time.

Perlite allows the air space to roots, so that it can breathe.

Choosing wrong growing medium may result in water getting clogged in the container. If you don’t pay attention and keep on watering your begonia plant, then the root system starts rotting.


Angel wing begonia is vulnerable to overwatering.

Yellowing of leaves and stunted growth are common signs of overwatering plants.

The soil starts smelling foul due to root rot.

You must stop watering your plant and allow the soil to dry completely. If needed you must repot the plant with the preferred soil for begonia plants.


When you don’t pay attention towards fluctuating temperature, then you might underwater your plant.

Signs include drooping leaves, yellowing of leaves and stunted plant growth.

Start watering your begonia regularly and shift the plant to partial shaded location.

Check out the temperature and humidity in the location. High temperatures and low humidity negatively impacts the plant growth.

Overwatering angel wing begonia plant is more dangerous and sometimes kills the plant.

Important: Though the begonia plant may take longer time to outgrow the container. Choosing small container for growing angel wing begonia may lead to root bound and the plant may need more water. If you see the roots are popping out of drainage hole, then repot.


Watering your angel wing begonia is an important task. You must consider temperature, humidity and soil before confirming how many times you should water.

Else, as a simple trick, insert your finger in the soil and check for moisture. If the soil is sticky, then hold on don’t water. In case you find dry soil up-to your first knuckle, then water generously till you see the water is out of drainage hole.