A small vacation never fails to freshen up our senses. But the first thing which comes to our mind whenever we think of taking a vacation are our pets and house plants. Although some of these plants can last pretty long without water, the same cannot be said about all of them.
Today we are going to take you through some easy ways of keeping your greens hydrated while you are out enjoying your well-earned free time.
#1 Preparing A String Drip System
This won’t work in an extremely dry soil as it will simply soak up all water before you can actually leave for your trip. So, water the soil beforehand for avoiding this issue. A gallon sized mason jar has to be placed next to your plant and positioned in such a way that it is out of direct sunlight.
Next you will have to cut a long nylon twine which should extend to the base of the plant from the bottom of the jug. This method will work only if the string is able to retain water. One end of the string has to be placed into the very bottom of the jugand the other end at the base of the plant.
The jug has to be next filled in with water. You can even add in some liquid fertilizer if you wish to cater to the nutrient needs of your plant. It is advisable to put on a piece of duct tape over the jug’s mouth if you are thinking of placing your plant in a sunny spot.
This can bring down the rate of evaporation provided you do not cover the string. Mouth of the jug needs to be above the base of the plant for best results.
#2 Marking A Watering Bottle
For trying this out, you need to primarily ensure that the soil is optimally saturated. Next you will have to get hold of a glass bottle having a narrow neck. This has to be filled in using water and turned upside down by placing your thumb atop the same. You can even add in more fertilizers in this step and position the bottle next to the plant you wish to water.
The bottle needs to be placed in such a way that its neck digs several inches into the soil. The bottle can also lean sideways provided it is sturdy and secure. It is also necessary to ensure that the water drains out properly so that the soil doesn’t clog the bottle.
You can indicate water level by drawing a line using permanent marker on the bottle. Water level below the line indicates that water is draining properly whereas lack of any change denotes that something is blocking it.
#3 Making a Bottle Drip System
For benefitting out of this mechanism, you need to ensure that the soil is completely damp so that the soil doesn’t soak up much water from the bottle before you actually leave for the trip. Next you will have to get hold of a 2-litre bottle and poke dual holes into its bottom using a hammer. This will ensure proper drainage of water which in turn can prevent algae growth.
The bottle needs to be filled in with water and inserted into a dirt hole which should be adequately deep for covering the bottle till its neck. You can even put on the bottle’s lid as this can bring down the rate of water flow. A marker can be used for marking the water level and checking it every now and then.
#4 Setting Up A Small Greenhouse
For setting up a mini greenhouse, you need to first collect a plastic bag which can easily accommodate your potted plant. The main motive here is to trap in the moisture released by the plants which will drip back down for watering your greens. Having a clear bag will also assist in free passage of sunlight.
A damp towel needs to be placed at the bottom of the bag for helping the plants with moisture retention while preventing the soil for becoming excessively dry. The plants need to be positioned in such a way that their leaves should be barely touching each other. It is advisable to get another bag if the leaves get excessively cramped.
Finally, you need to seal the bag using a twist tie or a rubber band as that can trap up large volumes of air. The tied part of the bag can be folded down for an extra layer of security. These plants can be kept either indoors or outdoors but always out of direct sunlight.
Bottom Line
You can make the water level last longer by bringing your potted plants indoors. It is also necessary to consider the weather. Someone residing in a dry climate will require more than an upturned bottle for catering to the hydration needs of plants. Seedlings require more care in comparison to older plants and this should be considered for best results
Khaja Moinuddin, a computer science graduate, finds joy in gardening and homesteading. Join him on this blog as he shares his experiences in homesteading, gardening, and composting